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Weznao MICE Student Alliance Recruitment

發布日期 2018-12-14 11:52:00

Do you want to make Wenzao different?

Do you want YOUR IDEA be truth?


Wenzao Mice Student Alliance was established in September,2016. We not only assist various kinds of activities and events, but hold many exhibitions on campus. This year, we would like to recruit new members with passion for the fabulous events to come.


Our Plan for next semester……


Wenzao Mice Student Alliance plans to convene a large-scale event in December. Through the process of organizing the event, members are expected to learn Mice relevant skills and demonstrate on the campus.  


Our experience organizing or assisting the activities

2016 文藻外語大學「我是文藻人,我在藻藝術」校友聯合藝術展

2017 生態交通全球盛典-哈瑪星社區英文導覽

2017 社會創業國際論壇暨工作坊

2016 文藻外語大學「奧地利古典音樂會-DreizuNullTrio30三重奏」

2016 第一屆世界麵包大賽6強精英賽

2016 亞太吳甦樂教育研討會


If you are…

Passionate in MICE

Willing to lean about MICE

Active and responsible


OR You Want to Lean…

Skill of organizing events

How to run activities

How to be a docent


We Need YOU ! ! !
